How To Install Google Chrome In Kali Linux


Apr 13, 2021
In this simple tutorial, we will learn how to install chrome on kali using terminal or deb file, but before we do that, why chrome? (Source: kalituts)

What is Google’s browser “Chrome”?

Google’s browser “Chrome” is the most used web browser in the world. A browser is software for browsing Internet web pages on a smartphone or PC. In addition to Chrome, there are Internet Explorer, firefox, Safari, etc.

Benefits of Chrome What is the difference between Chrome and other browsers?

  • Since it is simple, it can be used intuitively.
  • If you set it on one device when you log in to the same Google account on a different device, the setting is shared, so you do not need to set it again.
  • It is also characterized by its high degree of customization due to its abundant extended functions. For example, you can download videos, translate web pages, and take notes.
  • Since the search bar and address bar are integrated, you can search more easily.
install chrome in kali Linux
To start first of all and always before installing any new packages, update the system packages and repositories

sudo apt-get update

install chrome in kali Linux

Now to get started we need to download Chrome .deb package To do so type the following command:

if you don’t have wget install it by this command

sudo apt -y install wget

install wget in kali linux

then download Chrome package with this command


install google chrome kali linux

now to install it type the following command

sudo apt install . /google-chrome-stable_current_amd64 .deb


Type y and hit enter

chrome kali linux

to start up Chrome type:


chrome in Kali Linux

how to fix kali Linux google chrome no sandbox
if you can’t open chrome in kali linux it’s because you are in root user you will get this error when you try to start chrome

chrome no sandbox fix kali linux

Running as root without –no-sandbox is not supported. or chrome linux you are using unsupported command line flag no sandbox

root@kali:~ # google-chrome-stable

[3285:3285:0209 /155630] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https: //crbug .com /638180

To fix that you can simply change user to a non root user or start google chrome with this command :

google-chrome --no-sandbox

install chrome from debian repository
Download Google Chrome signing key to Debian

First, download the signing key of the Google Chrome repository to Debian with the following command.

wget -q -O - https: //dl-ssl /linux/linux_signing_key .pub | sudo apt-key add -

install chrome from debian

Add Google Chrome repository to Debian
Next, add the Google Chrome repository to Debian with the following command.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'

Update Debian repository
Now that we have added the Google Chrome repository to Debian, run the system update with the following command to update the repository.

sudo apt-get update


Install Google Chrome on Debian Kali Linux
Finally, install Google Chrome (stable version) on Debian with the following command.

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable

If you want to install the beta version of Google Chrome on Debian, run the following command.

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-beta

If you want to install an unstable version of Google Chrome on Debian, run the following command.

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-unstable

You have successfully installed Google Chrome on Debian.